Phoenix Voices

We’re back!

Rehearsal day on Saturday 10th September 2022

10am-4pm @ the Pavilion, Kirkleatham Museum TS10 5NW

Festival of Thrift weekend 24th & 25th September 2022

Phoenix Voices is the festival choir we direct for Festival of Thrift in Teesside each year. The rehearsal process is open to all and results in a performance to be presented at the Festival, as well as a band of roving singers who will pop up across the site throughout the weekend.

If you would like to join the choir you can either sign up through the mouthful website or contact the organiser John Larvin directly at for details.

If you're in the choir, there is a private resources page where you can view rehearsal videos and download rehearsal MP3s and scores. You'll need the password to access this page - check your Phoenix Voices emails for it or ask one of the organisers.

(Mouthful and Phoenix Voices wrote a song for the 2020 Festival of Thrift which you can view here)

Please note payments for sessions should now be made to Phoenix Voices using the details below. Many thanks to those who have paid for sessions in advance. Please include your name in the reference section - as always we encourage everyone to attend regardless of ability to pay.

Account Phoenix Voices
Sort Code 20-59-43
Account Number 53757196

Fees are:
Benefit Recipients £2.50
Part-Time or Retired £5.50
Working FT £7.50